Services we provide...
Health and Wellbeing
Fit for Work, Healthy for Life
This session is about ensuring that you have the energy to do the things you have to do, and the things that you want to do!
We will explore the way you eat,drink, exercise, plan and manage your life.
Women's Health
Don’t tell me what you’d like or what you want, wish or hope for.
Just tell me what you’re totally committed to doing, creating, achieving and being.
Don’t tell me what you are going to do. Show me.
Mental Health & Resilience Training
Body Composition Analysis
Exactly how much body-fat & muscle do you have? Where is it? Is it responding to your training program?
Complete Accurate Muscle-Fat Analysis Percentage Body Fat, Subcutaneous & Visceral Segmental Lean Muscle Analysis Hydration & Mineral, Protein, Bone Density scores.